
A MidSummer Night's Dream?
From: ARDMORE855 To: ALL

As I Here Tell:
Seems a certain party left Las Vegas heading for Michigan, driving an "older" but classic Eldorado. The first night, out in the desert, she felt herself suddenly sleepy, and contrary to her normal sane and wise thinking, she actually pulled off to the side of the road and drifted to sleep--for about ten minutes. She awoke, suddenly, as headlights of another car raked her windshield.

"Blasted idiot, dim your lights." she thought as her eyes flew open to the glare. Then she shook her head, looked at her clock and continued on her way. She spent that night at a motel and a few days later returned to her home in Michigan.

It wasn't long, however, before she began to experience odd dreams, dreams she could not remember--but dreams left her waking with a smile on her face, in fact, to her astonishment, waking up laughing a couple of times. And yet with a feeling of uneasiness.

She told me about this and asked if I would help her with "recursive hypnosis." I personally am not a fan of this technique, and certainly not when I am involved in that person's life...but the smiles she had upon waking made me a bit more than hypnosis it was.

This is from the tape....

" feeling verrry sleepy, shouldn't stop, not here, not in the desert...but I'm so sleepy. What's that? What is that thing? It's sooo big, the lights--so bright, so beaUTiful, so very wonderFULL."

"My car is being lifted in the air with me in it? How odd. I should be frightened. No, if Chuck were here, he'd be frightened, I lovvve flying Love it. What is that it looks like a giant marevelous giant flyingwheel, ooo, am I going to crash into it? Ahh, a door, now my good old Eldo is flying in to the ship? I didn't know you could fly, dear old car what a journey for us."

Apparently what was happening is that she was possibly "remembering" being abducted by an alien space ship. I had read the "National Sinquirer" and other rags, er mags...while in line at the grocery store and so was, I thought, prepared to to hear a tale of unspeakable horror as little grey men poked and prodded her, and attached things to her body. They probably intended to do so, if all those stories are true.

If so, they decidely made a mistake that night. They opened the door to her car, and she stepped out, every inch a lady. Raised an eyebrow over the rim of her glasses and said,

"I don't recall giving you permission to touch my automobile"--then she smiled at the puzzled look on the face of the little grey man.

And the poor alien made the mistake of his thousands of years of life. He made eye contact with Susan..the rest is simple.

Some of the aliens began washing and waxing the car. Others busied themselves brewing up a pot of fresh coffee. Still others began cooking up a double chocolate cake. At one point she expressed a small displeasure at the cream having left some "flecks" in her coffee, and poor "Zorque" the captain ordered the immediate abduction of a dairy cow so that the cream would be truly fresh. Several of them sat at her feet and asked her questions and the wisdom and humor of her answers enthralled them. Then came a minor crisis; "Ergword" the second in command started to come to his senses and tried to resume control.

The lady looked a little sad, and a tear started to form in her eye. The crew beat Ergword within a day of his life. She then reached over and touched his poor bruised face and smiled gently at him with forgiveness--he was so taken with her kindness that he began to sculpt a holographic image of her face smiling at him. I have the general impression that it was transmitted back to their planet where a cult immediately was formed.

Time did, however eventually require that they return her to Earth, and Interplanetary law required the mandatory hypnosis, and resetting of clocks--the usual stuff... and thus it was that she awakened by the side of the road, rested, and wondering how the taste of chocolate came to be in her mouth.

Please understand that none of this was directly told to me, but is rather the impression of events that I garnered from listening to her talk in a "trance state." The lady would never acknowledge that such things could happen, and when I told her, she blushed lightly, and denied that such events could really have occurred. She believed that she probably fell asleep and had a dream, induced by the heat of the early night in the desert, and then awoke when the headlights passed her by.

I have no answers, perhaps one day, with her permission, I will release them, but today she is far too humble and demure to allow such an event. Perhaps she is right? But then, you know, lately there have been a lot of UFO sightings in the area around here, and far fewer in Nevada.

O, and just the other day I got a strange e-mail message, which concluded with "all our women are trying to grow red hair, and none of them ever had any hair to begin with. Please keep her on Earth, will you? Our economy is down the tubes"


@ Charles Grifor 1996,1997




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