Then what should be the essence of love? Is the kindness sprung from above? Is it a touch soft as a dove? What o what is the essence of love? II Where tell me please, I asked of the breeze, Is love to be found? On my knees? On the ground? Where, flowing brook, Is the place I should look In the trees, In a book, In the seas? Can you tell me, kind sky As I sit here and sigh Is love anywhere? below or on high Over here, over there? III I searched the world over, above and below I followed the moon where 'er it would go I wandered alone in sand and in snow The essence of love i still didn't know. IV "Heed us" called out the wind and the rain "We hear of your crying, your crying in pain" "Look not to the skies up above "Nor to Earth for your love "you search all of these, completely in vain." V "Harken well" hailed the Sun from the sky "Dry up your tears, and silence your sigh, "the love that you seek is not very far "Her presence is not hidden oh high "Her beauty not hidden on some distant star." VI Then sang the breeze A song with the trees Echoed the soft morning ground, a song with the seas, Of love to be found. VII Then joined in the brook Here's not where to look In the trees In a book Not there are the keys. VIII This then should be the essence you seek In the gentless words, ere a person can speak Not in the strong but in the weak Not in the proud but in the meek IX If you would find the essence of love Ceasing searching the heavens above End chasing and racing the dove Look to your heart to find the meaning of love. X In hearts desire, the mind must conspire The soul must aspire Pride must expire Then you will find love's true blazing fire. XI Then this did I learn, simply and true The essence of love Forever tis true.. The essence of love dear one, is you.