
November 9, 1995 
Fowlerville Farms

Easy enough to find, its the Fowlerville exit from I96 no matter which way you are going. Yes its an Amoco Station--but you can fill up your porker belly almost as fast as your car.

Get This! Every night, after 4:00 PM, all you can eat dinner specials. Last night I chomped down on some super tender roast beef and potatoes and carrots--the wife filled her tiny tummy with fish. That's two, count em, two all you can eat dinners in one place in one night.

The ambience is sort on neo-Frankenmuth. there are lots of seats, a large none-smoking area (thank God), and lots of other goodies. The desserts are so good you should take them home if you can't eat them there.

Price? AYCE dinner for two was (with coffee for one) $14.95 which is pretty good if you ask me. I was tipped to this place by fellow Glutton "Fluffy." It was good advice. If you have a place the GG should try please let me know.

Rating 7.5 oinks.
Be seeing you and remember: "you are what you eat, so eat well."
the Galloping Glutton

@ Charles Grifor 1996,1997





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